Monday, May 13, 2013

It is only normal for people to lose at least a hundred strands of their hair on a regular basis. This is because in the normal cycle of a person’s hair growth—which is expected to last for at least two to six years—strands of hair fall out regularly and the scalp will grow new ones in about 12 weeks. However, some people lose more than the expected number of stands in a day. In fact, there is a growing number of people who experience the burden of hair loss nowadays.
Experts say that many of the people who are losing their hair are not even aware of it. If truth to be to be told, many of them are nonchalant about the condition of their hair and don’t notice that they are losing their crowning glory if not for the comments of people around them.

The type you are in

If you think you are one of those who are prone to hair loss, the first thing that you need to know is what the specific types of hair loss there is are. This will serve as a sign if you are really into losing your hair in the long run or not.

The first type is the “androgenetic alopecia” or commonly known as the pattern baldness. Males and females who are prone to this experience slow growth of hair as well as weaker stands of hair compared before. In this condition, the primary cause could be heredity because the history of pattern baldness may increase your risks of losing your hair. Because of heredity, age is also affected which in turn speeds up the rate of hair loss.

Another type is called, “cicatricial alopecia” or the scarring alopecia, which is a type of permanent hair loss, occurs caused by inflammation. In this condition, the inflammation was able to damage the hair’s follicle and later, became scars. Because of these scars, the new hair is prevented from coming out. Scarring alopecia can be caused by certain skin conditions like lupus erythematosus and lichen planus wherein experts are yet to discover what is it that causes the inflammation.

The “alopecia areata” is the type of hair loss, which is considered as an autoimmune disease. Although there is already a classification for this, the cause of the condition is not yet discovered. Experts say that those people who suffer from his condition are those who are generally healthy.  Some say that the condition can be caused by autoimmune disorders like thyroid illness, genes, or certain virus in the environment where the person spends a long time in.
On the other hand, there is also a type that is caused by a change in the normal hair cycle, it’s called “telogen effluvium”. This condition might occur when something shocked system that leads to the premature resting of the hair’s growth. This shock can either be physical but mostly emotional such as when a person sulks into depression caused by factors like death and other distress events. It can also be caused by physiological stress that lead fever, changing weight conditions, deficiencies in nutrition as well as other disturbances in metabolism.

Lastly, the type of hair loss which is becoming popular today, the "traction alopecia". This specific hair loss is usually caused by too much hairstyling that puts too much pressure on the scalp. The pulling causes the roots of the hair to be weak and disables it from growing healthy hair.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

It is common for people to lose strands of their hair especially when it is wet or when they comb it very often. Experts say that there is a need for some strands of hair to fall so these can be replaced with a new set of hair strands. The average strands should at least be a hundred. Once there is excess in this estimate, then you might be suffering from hair loss.

If you think you are suffering from hair loss, the best way to deal with it is to visit an expert to ensure that he or she will give proper diagnosis. People who are prone to permanent baldness caused by genes or those that are caused by skin disorders, they should consult a doctor what treatment options are available.

But for those who are experiencing temporary hair loss, they can deal with it even if they are at home. The following home remedies can be used to deal with hair loss at home:

1. The wonders of massage.

Ancient people have proven that massage can help stop excessive hair fall because it makes the follicles of the hair stronger. Aside from that, it is also good because it aids hair growth by putting the right amount of pressure on the scalp. Usually, this is done manually. You can do it your self or you can ask somebody to massage your scalp at home. If you don’t have enough energy to do manual massage on your own scalp, you can opt for electric hair massage available in most wellness stores.

2. Hot oil treatments.

Experts say that people who are prone to hair loss can benefit so much from hot oil treatments because these can help prevent falling hair and can cure minor scalp disorders as well. To get effective results, at least three treatments are advised weekly. You can do this at home with the use of a shower cap. You can buy ready-to-use hot oil treatments that contain oils of several herbs such as sesame, olive, and coconut. For more relaxing hot oil treatment at home, opt for those that contain essential oils such as thyme, lavender, and others.

3. Aloe vera extracts.

Considered as a "wonder plant" aloe vera is popular to many people—especially those living in tropical countries—as a remedy for hair loss. Depending on the degree, aloe vera can be used as a shampoo by using fresh pulp that is directly applied on the hair and scalp, as a hair tonic along with other herbs, and a drink or oral aloe juice for the body to absorb its ingredients faster.

4. Mixture of cinnamon and honey.

Many people say that one of the effective home remedies for hair loss is the combination of cinnamon powder and honey with olive oil because these contain properties that make the scalp as well as the hair stronger. By coming up with a paste that can be applied directly to from the hair's roots down to the scalp, people can make use of it before they use their favorite shampoo.

5. Extracts of ginger.

A piece of ginger, once chopped and directly applied to the area of the head that has bald spots, can be an effective hair remedy for hair loss because it aids the healthy growth of hair follicles. Since it can be smelly, you can also use its extract that is combined with fine lead powder to get best results.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hair loss or baldness is becoming one of the most common problems of people. This is because more and more factors contribute to it compared before. Called "alopecia" by experts, hair loss can be categorized into permanent and temporary baldness depending on the condition the person is in.

Experts say that that most common form of alopecia is called, pattern baldness or the "androgenetic alopecia. It is said that this type of hair loss condition affects almost one third of the men and women in the world. The sad thing about this is it is permanent, meaning there is no way to go about it but to cope with it.

Knowing the signs and symptoms

When a person loses at least a hundred stands of hair per day, it is considered normal. But when he or she loses more than that estimated amount along with glaring symptoms such as thinning of the hair, a hairline that is receding, and bald patches in some areas of the head, then you might be suffering from hair loss.

Studies show that androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women but the manifestations differ in some ways. Among men, the thinning of the hair starts at the temples as well in the crown. In the long run, it is expected that they will be either completely bald or partially bald. In women, lesser hair loss is expected and though there is also receding hairlines along the forehead and temple, they will not completely go bald as men do.

The pattern baldness in males are known to begin at such an early age even before their teenage years. This condition may be characterized by a receding hairline—especially at the temples—and hair loss at the top of the person's head. Eventually, the person can be completely or partially bald. The symptoms of hereditary pattern baldness in men include thinning or loss of hair stands starting in the front or forehead, at the crown, down to the sides of the person's hairline.

Some women start losing hair at puberty but most of those who have pattern baldness do not. The estimated year is around mid-20s to early-30s. Unlike in men, the androgenetic alopecia in women starts with the thinning the front or forehead down to the crown. What differs the hereditary pattern baldness in both genders is that hair loss in women are only limited and they don’t experience total baldness.

Aside from pattern baldness, another permanent type of hair loss is the "cicatricial alopecia" or the scarring alopecia which is caused by the inflammation in the hair's follicles. This result to scars which hinders the growth of the new set of hair.

When it comes to temporary hair loss, the most common is called "alopecia areata" wherein the baldness starts from a small and round patch and will grow in size; the "telogen effluvium" which occurs suddenly and characterized by thinning without patches; "traction alopecia" that is caused by changing hairstyles which out too much pressure on the scalp and creates bald spots especially between the rows of the hair, and "trichotillomania" which is caused by a mental problem wherein the person cannot help him or herself from pulling out the strands of hair from the scalp and in other parts of his or her body.

Baldness or hair loss is one of the most dreaded situations people can find themselves into. This is because this will not only affect their overall physical appearance but can also affect their emotional status as well.

Experts categorize hair loss into two types—the permanent hair loss and the temporary hair loss. Permanent hair loss is associated with hereditary factors. People who have a bloodline that is prone to baldness cannot do much anything about it since it is in their genes.

The pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women. In men, pattern baldness can lead to thinning hair and receding of hairlines even at an early age. Eventually, this condition may lead them to total or partial baldness. In women, pattern baldness may come at a much later age and does not lead them to total baldness. Usually, the thinning hair manifests at their temples and hairlines.

When it comes to temporary baldness, it can be caused by certain factors such as illnesses, taking in medications for certain conditions, undergoing medical treatments wherein the drug that was used takes too much toll on the hair, hormonal changes which can either be caused by pregnancy or by taking in birth control pills, hairstyles that put too much pressure on the scalp and stops it from growing new strands of hair, and using hair products and treatments that may irritate the scalp and affect healthy hair growth.

Prevention as the key

People who have risks for pattern baldness cannot stop the condition but can slower the rate of hair loss through various treatments. But for those who are undergoing temporary hair loss, prevention can be the key to avoid total baldness in the long run. The following are some of the tips that can help prevent hair loss:

1. Proper diet.

Having a diet that is balanced is one of the major keys to prevent excessive hair loss. Eating foods that are nutritious especially for the hair can be an effective tool to fight against the signs of hair loss. People who are experiencing hair loss because they are under nourished should take time to make a diet plan which can provide sufficient nutrients not only for the hair but for the overall health as well.

2. Developing good hair habits.

Unhealthy hair habits such as improper handling of the hair can lead to excessive hair loss. People—especially those who have sensitive scalp—should ensure that they handle their hair gently especially when it's wet. Proper handling to wet hair is very important because the hair is weaker when wet. If possible, opt for natural air drying methods instead of using electronic ones such as blower.

3. Stick to one hairstyle for a longer period of time.

This will really help you prevent hair loss because you are letting your hair undergo its normal growth cycle. If possible, try to avoid hairstyles that are tight like buns, ponytails, or braids because these put too much pressure on the scalp and hinder it from growing.

4. Don’t twist, rub or pull your hair.

People who experience hair loss are those who twist, rub, or pull their hair often. If it has become a habit, try to break it. You can do this by focusing on other things instead of putting too much pressure on your hair and on your scalp.
Hair loss is one of the most difficult things to cope with especially to people who are very particular about the appearance. But this doesn’t mean that one should give up his or her life just because he or she lost the crowning glory!

The best way that people can go about hair loss is to know what causes it. Experts say that hair loss can either be permanent or temporary depending on the overall status of the person. Permanent hair loss or pattern hair loss is common to those people whose parents had the same thing. This is because the condition can be hereditary.

Temporary hair loss on the other hand is usually caused certain medical conditions and illnesses, which weakens the immune system and eventually, affects the growth of the hair. This can also be caused by taking in medications and undergoing treatments that use drugs that can be harmful to the hair as well as hormonal changes during pregnancy in women. This type of hair loss can also be brought about by changing hairstyles that put too much pressure on the hair follicles and using too many hair products that hinder healthy hair growth.

Dealing with male hair loss

In men, the most common type of hair loss is thinning brought about by "adrogens" or "male hormones". Experts say that men experience pattern baldness even at an early age. And as they grown older, hair loss becomes more and more obvious especially when thinning starts at the front and sides of the head.

Many men who experience this condition say that the easiest, fastest, and cheapest way cope with hair loss is to ignore it. Since male pattern baldness is inevitable due to the genes, it can be useless to worry too much on something that is inevitable. This will work for those who have mustered enough confidence not to care too much on what other people would say about them. But there still those who cannot ignore the effects of hair loss on their lives.

For those who are bothered by hair loss, the best way to go about it is to take an action, a positive one. In fact, you can do something to fix it through drug and other treatments. Although these will not totally cure it, these can somehow slow the rate of hair loss. Topical medicine such as minoxidil or oral medication like finasteride can be used. But, before you take in any medication, make sure that you consult your doctor first to avoid further complications.

Going about female hair loss

More than the men, women feel more burdens when they lose their hair. This is because they are more conscious about how they look and their confidence greatly depends on their physical appearance. To avoid a feeling of shame, there are many ways to cope with it.

But, before doing anything, make sure that you know what the cause of the hair loss. Visiting the doctor to know the status of the condition and to ask for available treatment options that might work on you.

One of the best ways to cope with hair loss among women is to increase the circulation to the scalp using a soft and multi-tipped scalp massager everyday. You can also use milder shampoos or those that are formulated to treat thinning hair and receding hairline. To look more fashionable, women can also use hair accessories such as hats to cover bald spots or areas that are already showing the scalp.